Please enter your date of birth to confirm you are an adult user of nicotine or tobacco products.


This site contains information on a product, which is for adults only. The website is reserved for smokers over 18 years old.

For more information about Philip Morris International or its products, visit

We care

This website contains information about our smoke-free products, and we need your age to make sure that you are an adult in Lithuania who would otherwise continue to smoke or use nicotine products. Our nicotine and tobacco products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids. They are not risk free. They contain nicotine, which is addictive. Only for use by adults.

If you are not sure whether IQOS ILUMA is the right choice for you, register for 14 – days trial of IQOS ILUMA ONE.

If you are already an IQOS or lil SOLID user – check out the Exchange program or the 30-day money-back guarantee option.

Have 14 days experience of IQOS ILUMA ONE

How does the IQOS trial program work?

  • No deposit

    Enter your personal details. No credit card details needed.

  • Delivered throughout Lithuania

    Receipt is possible in IQOS store, „Circle K“ or via courier.

  • Information

    We will provide you with all possible information about the device.

  • IQOS return

    It is possible to return device free of charge by dropping it off in our IQOS store, „Circle K“, giving it out to courier or parcel machine.

Devices you can purchase after ILUMA ONE trial

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lil SOLID Ez
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30-day money-back guarantee – if your expectations of use of IQOS ILUMA is not fulfilled, we will refund the amount paid.

Helpful information

IQOS ILUMA ONE 14 days trial is available for consumers without registered device. If you are already an IQOS or lil SOLID user – check out the Exchange program or the 30-day money-back guarantee option.

No. Once the trial has ended you will have to return the system. You will be able to buy a brand new IQOS ILUMA ONE, IQOS ILUMA, IQOS ILUMA PRIME or lil SOLID at, in IQOS stores, or our partners points of sale.

IQOS trial starts immediately after you receive the device. It lasts for 14 daus from that date.

We expect you to take a proper care of the device during a lending period. In rare cases when devices are lost or broken, we will address each situation on a case by case basis.

The process usually takes a few days. You will immediately receive an email asking to confirm lending conditions. Once you have confirmed that, we will process the lending in approximately 1 business day. Based on your preferred method, we will either ship the device to you or send you a confirmation to arrive to IQOS store or “Circle K“ gas station to pick-up the device.

You’ll receive the system only for the trial, so you cannot choose its colour. If you decide to make a purchase afterward, you can buy IQOS ILUMA ONE, IQOS ILUMA, IQOS ILUMA PRIME, or lil SOLID EZ in your chosen colour.

After 14-day trial you will receive an email with free ways to return the system: via courier, parcel machine or at IQOS store or Circle K gas station. You can also inform your IQOS expert about wanting to return the system, and he will provide you with the ways to do it. You can return the system before the trial ends.